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Wisewood Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Contribute


Uniform Policy


Uniform is worn at Wisewood to create an environment that focuses on school performance, not individual appearance.  The guidelines are intended to help parents make correct judgements about the school clothes and accessories to buy for their children.  Parents are responsible for following the guidelines of the uniform policy.  Clothing with the Wisewood School logo is available to order from the School Office. 


Overview and General Requirements


The approved uniform should be worn by all pupils during school hours.  The general rule is that pupils’ clothing at Wisewood Community Primary school should be appropriate for work at school.


The basic standard of clothing is:


  • White polo top with a navy sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without the school logo)
  • Grey trousers, skirt or dress, not sports trousers
  • Shoes suitable for running around in, not high heels or wedges.


The Summer standard of clothing is:


  • Grey shorts or skirt
  • Blue checked summer dress
  • White polo top (with or without the school logo)


Clothing options and requirements


The following provide guidelines and specific requirements of Wisewood’s standard dress code:


  • Clothes should be clean and neat at all times;
  • All clothing must be size appropriate for the pupil.  Baggy pants are not acceptable;
  • No names, logos or pictures are allowed on sweatshirts or tee shirts except for the school logo;
  • Football shirts should not be worn for school;
  • Shoes should be appropriate for classroom and playtime activities.  Flip-flops, high heels, wedges and shoes without support are not acceptable;
  • Make-up, nail polish and acrylic nails are not allowed.
  • Pupils must not wear jewellery to school.  Children with pierced ears should only have one stud earring on each ear.  If children are having their ears pierced it should be at the start of the long summer holiday.  Earrings should always be removed for PE lessons.  If pupils are unable to remove their earrings due to an exceptional circumstance (such as infection), a teacher may provide them with some Micropore tape to cover the piercing.  This decision will be at the teacher’s discretion and based on health and safety considerations.  This solution would only be allowed on a short term basis.
  • Hats may be worn outside.  They should never be worn in school.


Policy regarding hair


Hair should be neat and tidy.  We recommend that long hair is tied back to avoid the transfer of head lice.  Long hair must always be tied back for PE lessons.  


School clothing assistance policy


Parents are encouraged to contact the Headteacher or Learning Mentor if there is a financial hardship to purchase uniform.   Wisewood Community Primary School maintains a uniform Store where used clothing can be purchased.  Families are encouraged to help by donating outgrown school clothing which is still in good condition.




Children who wear inappropriate clothing for school will be reminded of the school code of dress and expected to be in school the following day in appropriate clothes.  If a pupil continues to wear inappropriate clothing a letter will be sent to parents asking for their support in this matter.  If pupils are consistently arriving at school without school uniform, they may be provided with spare uniform to wear during the school day.


How To Order


From the school office


Print off the order form below, fill in as required and pass to one of our office staff with payment at any point in the day or come into school and fill a form in.




Buy direct from their stall in Crystal Peaks Shopping Centre, Sheffield (




Order direct from our supplier using the website below:
