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Wisewood Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Contribute

Religious Education

At Wisewood, our intent for RE is to enable children to become inquisitive, accepting, mindful individuals who can express an understanding and insight of the rich and diverse world we live in. We want our children to have belief in themselves whilst having the confidence to question the pertinent issues that our society faces today. Our role is to ensure that children aspire to become the very best individuals they can be in order to contribute to the school, our community and the wider world.


Our RE curriculum will provide children with the opportunities and experiences to investigate a range of religions and world views.


Key Elements Explored in RE:


  • Religious texts
  • Festivals and celebration
  • Symbols
  • Belonging, rituals and pilgrimages
  • Issues of right and wrong
  • Leaders and inspirational people
  • Beliefs and question.


These aspects have been taken from the Sheffield SACRE scheme of work alongside the 2014 National Curriculum


Through the design of our curriculum, Wisewood children will have a broad and balanced understanding and awareness of the world around them. Children will acknowledge the diversity, religions and beliefs of their local community and know their own value in adding to this. Children will be confident in discussing philosophical questions and know how to be respectful as a listener. They will be sensitive to the views and beliefs of others and know that religious education has an impact on the future evolution of society. They will know that they are in a community where their own thoughts, views and beliefs are valued and are safe to be shared.


Our children will leave school with a sense of belonging, where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate and continue to ask important questions.
