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Wisewood Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Contribute

Contact Details

The School Day runs from 8:45 - 3:15.


Nursery and Reception children enter the school via the front entrance on Ben Lane. Y1-6 enter via the drive on Rural Lane.


Wisewood Community Primary School
Ben Lane
S6 4SD


Telephone: (0114) 234 3304


Headteacher:                         Ben Ramsden

Assistant Head:                     Claire Austin

Primary Director:                  Martin Finch

SENCO:                                   Sarah Wales


Chair of Governors               Julia Paton

Safeguarding Governor       Katie Eyre


To contact any persons listed above, please use the enquiries e-mail below and state their name in the subject line.


School Enquiries - Karen Webster, Office Manager

(Please contact Karen Webster if you require paper copies of any items on this website)




Parental Enquiries (for non-urgent enquiries - this email address is monitored daily and we aim to respond within two working days)




We are part of:


Tapton School Academy Trust

Darwin Lane


S10 5RG


Tel:       0114 267 1414



Where are we?


- Click the map for a more detailed view -

(Image courtesy of Google Maps)


