School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. Paper copies of any of these documents are available if requested.
Tapton School Academy Trust policies can be found on the Trust website. These include:
- Data Breach Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- Data Retention Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Health & Safety Policy
- Investment Policy
- Reserves Policy
- Standing Financial Instructions
- Subject Access request Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
Accessibility Policy
Admissions Policy Consultation
We are conducting a consultation on our admissions arrangements for pupils applying for places to start in September 2026 onwards.
This consultation will run for six weeks, beginning on Friday 8th November 2024 and concluding on Friday 20th December 2024. The consultation process is part of our statutory duty, as schools are required to review and consult on their admissions arrangements every seven years, even if no changes are being proposed.
We would like to confirm that we are not proposing any changes to our current admissions arrangements. However, this consultation ensures transparency and provides an opportunity for feedback from our school community.
Our current admissions arrangements are detailed below.
Please complete the form at the link below to provide feedback during the consultation period. We value your input and encourage your participation in this important process.
Admissions Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Attendance Policy
Behaviour Policy
Equality Information and Objectives
Exclusion Policy
Nappy Changing Policy
Privacy Policies
Under the General Data Protection Regulation, Tapton School Academy Trust is registered with the Information Commissioners Office. The Trust has a duty to protect the personal data we hold. For further information please see the link to Privacy Notices below.